


I’m swimming

In bright yellow energy

From sunlight, water, sugar, and children

Admiring dark clouds from distance

With patience as my sunscreen

Landing in opposites

Breathing underwater

Letting go

To love


I have lived infinite

said my child one morning

as she put her doll to bed

no doubt

she showed me universal truth

each moment passes to the next

choosing to live in the the moments in between the moments, in between

until time stands approximately equal to still

and breath floats

light through the body

this is the link

i see it now

my guru

pure starlight

in a tiny human body

Life force

As a thousand stars shone upon the shades of nature in a single maple leaf

And the wind touched its sides, interchangeably, with the shifting gusts

Autumn was about to enter, revealing a transparent hint of yellow in between its veins,

spreading out as rivers flow through earth

Noticing its gradual fading, the leaf felt vulnerable

Any time could the wind swish it away,

Or the sun burn it up till each corner had dried out,

Or a worm eat its way through the sugar rich scaffold.

But the wind came just in time, with an important reminder

Asking the leaf to let go of the outside and look deeper within, 

Following its veins back to core,

And further down thought its roots,

Back into earth.

And there the leaf found the wisdom of life force itself. 

Part of a big, stable, old, breathing tree. 

Embraced and comforted.

The leaf came to see itself as a majestic bloom of life 

unfolded above surface, 

held by nature within.


I am in a real life Monet, colored by magnetic particles

I feel each and every one of my atoms dancing, craving chaos

Gravity, oh dearest friend - bending time and distances, making grounding and floating eternal, unlocking people of the labyrinths

I see Universe, stripped of layers

It is there, it has always been there

I am you

I am free